Where Secrets Lie

Friday, November 03, 2006

How does a mother do it?

Julie is a work at home mom. This morning Julie got up, thought she'd take a bath while Wyatt (2 years old) and Chris (10 months old) was still asleep. Well so much for a relaxing bath, first the Wyatt woke up and wanted to also bath, so together Wyatt and mommy bathed. Mmm, what an experience when he wanted to know certain parts of the bodywas, 'mum what's dis, mum what's dis, mum what's dat'. Julie didn't think she was going to talk about the bees and the birds just yet, but thank goodness for a 2 year old you don't have to go into too much details. Then all of a sudden he says to me 'mum poo', that was the quickers Julie jumped out of the bath just in time to see a floater emerge. The joys of having children. Then as she was getting dressed baby Chris awoke, so much for getting dressed and pampering herself while the 2 year old played. So she just threw her bathrobe on in hopes that no one came to the door. Put water in the baby bath, got Chris up and bathed him. Normally a baby who loves bathing this morning felt he didn't like it anymore. Eventually he settled down and was enjoying the bath, but then Julie took him out and the cries and whines began again. She quickly dressed him, fed him and gave him his bottle to drink which by that time Wyatt decided it was time to get out after being in the bath for an hour. Julie then took him out of the bath and dressed him, gave him his breakfast and made herself a cup of coffee. She thought ok now she can get dress, it is almost 2pm and still all she has on is her bathrobe. When you have kids your life is no longer your life (Julie thought), but she wouldn't have it any other way. she loves her kids and even if her morning got taken up by them, the joy of sharing her life with them is the best gift one can have, for each day brings something new to her life.


Julie is so mad at her husband Leo angry in fact. They play an online game together which they team up with a friend, but lately it has just been him and the friend that plays and she doesn't even get asked to play anymore. Now it is not the fact that she is not playing, but the fact that she has to see to the house, a toddler, a baby, make the meals and plus she has to run her business. What frustrates Julie is that he works till 5pm and will come home, go straight to his computer and start playing while she must do everything else. When she tells him that she is feeling left out and he doesn't include her anymore he gets cross and tells her that she can join in at anytime and like always she keeps telling him that she can't just join whenever she wants to. she has to cook, has to see to the boys and she has other work that she has to do. If he helps her then maybe then she can play with.

Julie's day goes like this:

In the morning she gets up,wash the boys and herself, dresses 1st the baby, then the toddler and then herself (which she usually just puts on anything old). Then she has to feed the baby and put the baby down for a nap and then after she puts Chris down for his nap she has to feed the toddler. She then does things with Wyatt and by the time she is spending quality time with him, Chris wakes for his snack, so then she gives Wyatt his snack and will feed Chris. After that she gives the Wyatt something to do by himself, while she plays with Chris. When that is done she is making lunch, feeding the Chris lunch and giving the Wyatt his lunch. Then Chris goes down for his afternoon nap (which is long thank goodness). She then gives Wyatt tv time in which she does work related things. By the time 4pm comes she is changing the baby and giving him a small snack, cleaning the boys and starts with supper. In between all this she tries to relax, but not more then for 10 minutes and then she is running to rescue something or the other from my Wyatt or busy helping him on the toilet. They have supper inbetween 6 and 7pm in which before and after Leo is on his computer playing games while she is still running around and if she has tp ask him to do something then he gets upset with her and tells her that HE works all day and comes home and wants to relax (what does he think I am doing all day, sitting on my a*s* all day. Our toddler doesn't want to go to bed because he seeks attention from his dad. By the time I am finish doing everything all I want to do is relax in the bath and go to bed and by that time it is bed time, so how can he tell me that I can join him and the friend at any time I want', mumbles Julie.

Julie thinks, 'I feel he is just making excuses.'I love my kids and I love being a mom, but we had them together we should share the responsibilities or am I just being an idiot about this whole thing.'


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